Friday, March 23, 2012

The Dick is Back

Sexy cover, oui?

Watch your Dick. Which Dick? Dick Cheney? Dick Nixon? Take your Dick. Dicks are back, That is, if you know how to time-travel.

Ryan Forsythe’s speculative novel Dick Cheney Saves Paris is absurdist, stick-in-the-eye sci-fi at its best. A blast to the past, a kick in the ass, a time-trip to warped worlds unknown. No, make that warped worlds you’ll recognize but wish you didn’t. Is it a mirror or just déjà-voodoo? Take this trip and you’ll have the answer. But just make sure you can handle it, as the novel is freaking funny. You’ll laugh yourself into a coma, and when you come out of it—holy shit!—Dick Cheney will be there to greet you with his lopsided smirk.

Scope the book’s trailer below, then BUY the paperback.