Saturday, April 26, 2014

Noir for the Course


My new book from BLACK SCAT has just hit the fan. The publisher assures me REAR WINDOWS is destined to be the bible of film studies departments at universities here and abroad. But why wait  for that when you can order a copy right now HERE.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Special Issue

oulipo cover

My cover art for the “Oulipo” issue of Sein und Werden. Guest-edited by Jason E. Rolfe, it features work by Allen Ashley, Aja Bamberger, W. C. Bamberger, Paulo Brito, Dominy Clements, Wayne Clements, Clockhouse London Writers, Norman Conquest,  Patrick Cosgrove, James Davies, Dave Drayton, Daniel Galef, Esther Greenleaf Murer, Tom Jenks, Rachel Kendall, Teri Lee Klein, Matt Leyshon, Charlie Loudowl, David McGroarty,  Dan Morey, Susan Oke, Benjamin Robinson, Rachel Rodman, Martin Rose, John Shire, Philip Terry, David Turnbull 

The UK magazine is available online HERE.

An expanded print edition will be available this summer.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Black Scat Review #6

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BLACK SCAT REVIEW features innovative fiction, art, interviews, and works in translation.

In this issue: Nin Andrews, Emily June Brink, Eckhard Gerdes, Michelle Gray, Judson Hamilton, Sarah Katharina Kayß, Adam Miller, Ivan de Monbrison, Jules Moy, Opal Louis Nations, Doug Skinner, Brett Stout,Joanna C. Valente, and Sayuri Yamada. PLUS an extensive interview with Yuriy Tarnawsky on the release of The Placebo Effect Trilogy.

Full color book format — 78 pages — Perfect-bound ($18.00).

Also available in a digital edition ($5.00).


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Little “Lulita”

from the "Unknown Lulu" series (excerpted from NORMAN CONQUEST'S ILLUSTRATED WORLD.)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

This book is full of shit!


But I mean that in the best sense of the word. This rare anthology features scatological texts by the following period luminaries: Alphonse Allais, George Auriol, Georges Courteline, Edmond Haraucourt, Vincent Hyspa, Maurice Mac-Nab, and Erik Satie.

It has been tastefully compiled & translated by the great Doug Skinner—the man behind Black Scat’s sublime translation of Alphonse Allais’s CAPTAIN CAP: HIS ADVENTURES, HIS IDEAS, HIS DRINKS.

For those of you too shy to carry around the limited print edition of MERDE, the publisher has also released an electronic version which can be discreetly read on your iPad

I advise everyone to obtain a copy HERE.

Saturday, January 25, 2014



The Magazine of Mirth & Mayhem.

Alas, they don’t make ‘em like this anymore.






Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Teen Queen Dreams




How many people can honestly say “I was a teenage Surrealist”? 

The only person I know of is the writer Gisèle Prassinos—discovered at the age of 14 by
André Breton.  

Black Scat Books has just published a marvelous, limited edition collection of 20 texts by Prassinos—half of them written when she 14 and 15—lovingly translated by Ellen Nations. 

SURREALIST TEXTS is illustrated with haunting surreal watercolor paintings by Bruce Hutchinson.