I was a lucky lad to have grown up when small publishers like City Lights, Grove Press, New Directions, Olympia, and Gaberbocchus (London) were flourishing. I was addicted to their offerings and anxiously awaited each new book with twitchy fingers. It hardly mattered which artists & writers they published, as nearly everything seemed like gold. It was pure tingle-thrill right down to the bone.. The books were wild-eyed, radical, outrageous, satirical, mysterious, erotic—precisely my cup of tea!
Yes, those were thrilling times and thrilling pubs. And now there’s a new house on the scene you can add to that list: Black Scat Books—an imprint of Le Scat Noir that just launched a blog at blackscatbooks.wordpress.com
Check Scat out and FOLLOW the yellow brick road… you just might experience the same long-lost thrill.