Saturday, December 22, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

First Issue


Contributors include: Alphonse Allais, Elizabeth Archer, Florence Bocherel, Pierre Henri Cami, Pedro Carolino, John Crombie, S. N. Jacobson. Crad Kilodney, Michael Leigh, Samantha Memi, Doug Skinner, Yuriy Tarnawsky, and Tom Whalen. The issue includes an interview with Samantha Memi, author of Kate Moss & Other Heroines.

Cover photo by S. N. Jacobson

CLICK HERE to order a copy.

Friday, November 16, 2012

The List

I’ve been asked to provide a complete list of my books since only partial listings have been published.

Front and back cover of SARTRE’S FRENCH PHRASE BOOK (1974). 

Ambiguity for Two (Transient Press, Los Angeles: 1973). Artist's first book.
Sartre’s French Phrase Book
(Transient Press, Los Angeles: 1974)
(reprinted by HOB Press in 1996)
Interiors: A Book of Very Clean Rooms (Gallery 612, Tokyo: 1985)
A Beginner’s Guide to Art Deconstruction (Permeable Press, San Francisco: 1995)
A Beginner’s Guide to Art Deconstruction & Other Works (Obscure Publications, Black River Falls: 2007)
A Beginner’s Guide to Art Deconstruction: Revised, Expanded Edition (Black Scat Books: 2012)
Eight Adult Males & Other Odd Tales (Stifled Yawn: 1993)
By Any Means: An Avant-Pop Anthology (HOB Press: 1995)
Straight Razor (with Harold Jaffe) Black Ice Books: 1995
The Little Cock That Could (as “Patty Sanders” — HOB Press, San Diego: 1996)
The Selected Poems of Edward D. Wood, Jr. (Hob Press: 1997)
Storm Warnings: Photographs (Privately published: 2006)
It’s Fun To Be Rich in America (with Michael Leigh) Beuyscout Editions: 2012)
Burn This Book (Virtual Field Warp / Beuyscout Editions: 2012) Digital only
The Neglected Works of Norman Conquest (Black Scat Books: 2012)
What is Art? (JEF Books: 2012)
Snowdrop in Africa (Black Scat Books, Absurdist Texts & Documents #6: 2012)

Pornoglyphics: A Book of Carnal Optics
The Colony

Art is for Imbeciles
Desiring Specimens

Norman Conquest's Illustrated World

Friday, November 9, 2012

New Images & Books

I have several images in the current issue of LITnIMAGE.

Also, three recent books are available:

The Neglected Works of Norman Conquest

What is Art?

Snowdrop in Africa

The latter appears in the Absurdist Texts & Documents series from Black Scat Books, and is an oulipian tale created under rigorous constraints. Call it literary bondage.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Snowdrop in Africa


My new chapbook has just been released by Black Scat Books.
It’s a limited edition of 50 copies and you can order it 

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cover Stories

Technorati Tags:


Here’s my cover design for Erik Belgum’s new collection,
just out from JEF Books.




You can order a copy on AMAZON.

Monday, October 15, 2012

New Book



“What is Art? is a hilarious scripto-visual Dadaist-Derridean quest to solve the impossible question, “What is Art?” Using, ironically, anti-art strategies — appropriation, violation, bad puns, found objects, offensive imagery, collage, and re-cycled past works culled from his own repertoire — Norman conquers the detritus of the high and the low in his own special recipe for bricolage. Using his book as a literal potboiler, he chops up and dumps in his ingredients to produce his own unique stew as he simmers over the nature of creative intervention in our wacky (both cruel and comic) world.
-- James Hugunin

Order it from Amazon

Monday, October 8, 2012

Mondo Pornobongo!

Check out this hot new collection of erotic wordplay just unleashed by Black Scat Books:


It’s packed with seductive, oulipian licks by Eckhard Gerdes, Alain Arias-Misson, Larry Fondation, Harold Jaffe, Derek Pell, Andy O’Clancy, Farewell Debut, Rusty Cuffs, Opal Louis Nations, Tara Stillions Whitehead, Samantha Memi, Shane Roeschlein, Lance Olsen, and Ryan Forsythe.

If you said, “Yum-yum, I want some!” then order it here. Only 50 copies available.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hot Off the Press!

The Neglected Works of Norman Conquest

Don’t miss my new collection, filled with eye-gouging, full-color art, from Black Scat Books.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Get Rich Quick!


It's Fun to Be Rich in America

Yep, get it while it’s hot—before you have to vote.

My collaboration with Brit artist Michael Leigh was originally published by BOA, but has just been reissued in a luscious, perfect-bound collector’s edition from Black Scat Books.

Support the 99% (and yours truly) and buy a copy now.

Hell, it’s filled to the gills with full-color illustrations.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Norman Conquest Rides Again!

The further adventures of yours truly…










(The above is my favorite.)













Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A New Face in Town


I was a lucky lad to have grown up when small publishers like City Lights, Grove Press, New Directions, Olympia, and Gaberbocchus (London) were flourishing. I was addicted to their offerings and anxiously awaited each new book with twitchy fingers. It hardly mattered which artists & writers they published, as nearly everything seemed like gold. It was pure tingle-thrill right down to the bone.. The books were wild-eyed, radical, outrageous, satirical, mysterious, erotic—precisely my cup of tea!

Yes, those were thrilling times and thrilling pubs. And now there’s a new house on the scene you can add to that list: Black Scat Books—an imprint of Le Scat Noir that just launched a blog at

Check Scat out and FOLLOW the yellow brick road… you just might experience the same long-lost thrill.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Unfinished Nude #3



Under the action of the chemical flow, the fruit buds developed rapidly, and soon a cluster of green grapes, heavy and ripe, hung alone on one side of the vine-stock. Fuxier set the jar back down on the ground, having sealed the tube with another twist of the key. Then, drawing our attention to the cluster, he showed us miniscule human figures imprisoned at the center of the diaphanous globes

Eat Me


Monday, July 30, 2012

First Time in Print!

Find out more on MagCloud   

The masterpiece by Norman Conquest & Michael Leigh is now available in a glorious print edition—suitable for the coffee table.

Order a copy while it's hot!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ragore Relic

Dr. V. Ragore In Concert (poster, circa 1968)

Dr. Vignesh Ragore’s infamous performance at the Castro. SRO.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Book Spews

Here's an update on some forthcoming books of mine which are no longer forthcoming but available.

Snowdrop in Africa should have wide appeal among those who appreciate weird bedtime stories.


JEF Books has just published What is Art?  In the words of the great critic James McMenamin: "...a beautiful autobiographical / aesthetic statement and the testament of a true artist."

You can download Burn This Book in a free PDF edition here in the Virtual Field Warp series.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Early Work

One of my earliest works was a 12-page book of hand-made collages. It was published in a limited edition of 26 bound copies by Gallery 612 in Tokyo in 1986. This “mail art” edition was sent out on the Eternal Network. I lost track of the original art, and for years tried to locate a copy without success. Then—out of the blue— I received an email last weekend from Stephen Perkins, Curator of Art at the Lawton Gallery, UW-Green Bay, informing me that he possessed the originals! Holy Moly!

In the near future I’ll produce a facsimile of the Japanese edition and anyone receiving a copy should email me:   

Interiors: A Book of Very Clean Rooms

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Reading for Vulture Capitalists


It's Fun To Be Rich in America

My collaboration with British artist Michael Leigh has just been launched in the Virtual Field Warp series from Beuyscouts of Amerika

It’s a free download so even the 99% can afford it.

You can get a copy HERE.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Shit David Cameron Says

Animation by Archie Leigh-Jones, gifted son of artist Michael Leigh

Friday, May 18, 2012

Artists Made by Hands on the Wall

Via Michael Leigh

Via Michael Leigh (UK)

I be workin on the railroad…


…all the live-long day, I be workin on the railroad just to pass the time away.

Can’t ya hear the whistle blowing?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Great Novels #1


From boxed, 2-volume set


FROM WATERLOO STATION TO THE SMALL COUNTRY town of Ramsgard in Dorset is a journey of not more than three or four hours, but having by good luck found a compartment to himself, Wolf Solent was able to indulge in such an orgy of concentrated thought, that these three or four hours lengthened themselves out into something beyond all human measurement.

Thursday, May 10, 2012