Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Overlappa & Crappa (mea culpa, kinda)

I’m not sure why the image in the previous post looks so crappy, as it also appears over on Letter Bomb and looks resplendent. But that brings me to the subject of duplication for which I owe readers a rare apology. I’ve been reprinting quite a bit of Beuyscout effluvia here and now realize that FOLLOWERS of both sites may be experiencing déjà voodoo.

Dazzling as the work may be—and it is nothing short of dazzling, yes?—it might lose its resonance due to overexposure and we certainly don’t want that. Thus, I will restrain myself from snatching Scout-spews and reserve Scat for the material for which it is so famous.. The exception being the call for submissions to the collective’s spring project (below). Participation by YOU is important since this,after all, is war.