Wednesday, February 22, 2012

serendipity-doo-dah #2

“Artists Invited” (2/22/2012). Assisted readymade by Norman Conquest

“Artists Invited” (2/22/2012). Assisted readymade by Norman Conquest

Serendipity to the max.

Today I sent out an electronic Beuyscout mailing, inviting artists to join the long dormant collective to help fight the current GOP assault on women (as well as other nefarious Republican plots). After pushing the Send button I walked out  to the mailbox and retrieved today’s bundle of junk, including the local newspaper. I folded the paper, returned to the house, and tossed the mail on the counter. Glancing at the newspaper I noticed a photo on the front page and  a portion of headline on the flipside revealed by the fold.

Found art!—with a minor assist from yours truly—added word and signature.

Isn’t life grand!


There’s brief history of the collective over on Zoom Street which you’ll find right here.

BTW, every artist reading this is invited to join Beuyscouts of Amerika. It’s free, of course, and you can write me for details at   And if you’re not an artist, well, we can always use bodyguards.

BOA poster