Meet Maurice. Maurice P. Turdot, II to you. To us, he’s “Stinky Le Scatman,” our loveable little mascot—resurrected from piles of detritus in the editorial cellar. Surely he’s a sight for sore eyes, if not a sniff for sore nostrils. True to form, “Stinky” paused for an ever-so-brief “stop-and-squat” with the editors before dashing off on his rounds.
M. Turdot, of course, is always on the runs; a man of distinction, a man with a mission—scampering hither and thither, dashing east, dashing west, always on the go, and then he’s gone.
His motto: “Merde happens!”
Le Scat Noir is proud to have him back on this page, so long as he keeps his distance. So don’t be surprised when he suddenly appears. No need to extend your hand in friendship, just tip your hat and flash a shit-eating grin.