Le Scat Noir (not to be confused with certain rock bands and poseurs) is an independent journal devoted to news, reviews, art, and entertainment. Unlike much of the trash we are forced to compete with, ours is a publication you can depend on. We never mince words in the face of idiocy and with all the idiots out there that’s a lot of un-minced words. Besides, we have a proud tradition to uphold. A legend in print since the 19th century, LSN continues to set standards where no standards exist. This new digital edition has everything the grand print version had except ink and a trained staff of writers - plus a lot more if you have time to find it.
Our "droppings from around the globe" are read by millions of intellectuals throughout Europe and Asia, while in the U.S. (where our editorial offices are unfortunately based) they like to look at the pictures. Yes, we occasionally publish nudes that have been digitally doctored to appear dressed, but it's the macabre art and human interest photographs that receive the most attention from educated viewers. You won't find illustrations like these anywhere else—unless they were stolen from this page.
Please add us to your Favorites and drop by frequently. If we happen to be out, you can leave a donation at the door.
Our "droppings from around the globe" are read by millions of intellectuals throughout Europe and Asia, while in the U.S. (where our editorial offices are unfortunately based) they like to look at the pictures. Yes, we occasionally publish nudes that have been digitally doctored to appear dressed, but it's the macabre art and human interest photographs that receive the most attention from educated viewers. You won't find illustrations like these anywhere else—unless they were stolen from this page.
Please add us to your Favorites and drop by frequently. If we happen to be out, you can leave a donation at the door.